' People are always blaming for their circumstance for what they are, I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them make them.' George Bernad Shaw, Playwrite (Recipient of Nobel Prize in Literature 1925). I perfectly believe in this ideology. I hate when people become victims of their circumstances and accept that this is life. Day to day I meet many new men and women on account of my legal profession. Except few most of them loose precious time of their life remaining in the problem, fighting in the Courts and cursing their destiny and sulking all throughout. I believe in life is all about moving on, one must grow above the problem and move on.. I remember, while I was junior with Sri.Sanjeev Kanchan Advocate (Sanjeev Kanchan & Co) in Mumbai, there was this lady typist and clerk who secretly married each other. For two years this marriage was conceal...
Advaya the ultimate truth, is Anant..... unlimited, infinite, boundless.... Let's join hands and bring the best out of this undepletable human resource. Let us spread the light and delight every soul, while we are here and commit ourselves to mind, body and soul development of one and all. Note: This blog was previously named as 'This is Life', however, after a lot of thought, this name has been changed to 'Advaya Anant'.