While thinking of creativity, it came to my mind that, the journey of our life itself is much colourful. All that matters is the right attitude. When we are born we are like clay so raw, so shapeless. Our parents, grand parents, neighbours,friends, schoolmates, teachers, our religious beliefs, the society we live in, the town we live in and so on play a vital role is shaping us. We grow like a creeper taking support of something or the other. Trimmed occasionally by our gardeners -our parents, teachers. None knows where this life journey would take you, but we keep walking within the parameters we our framed in. We cherish the values we are brought up with, we acquire some while we walk and some we develop of our own thus we continuously evolve irrespective of age.
This blog is a tribute to all of those who were and are part of my life, who have substantially contributed in shaping me as a responsible and successful person. About the thoughts of great men and women which has influenced my thought process and also about the incidences which has changed the flow of my thoughts.
Vandana Vilas Vaidya
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