Many of us may not even know that the alphabet of Indian languages is full of science. Each letter of the alphabet is logical and placed sequentially with precise calculations. Such a scientific view is not ingrained in the alphabet of other foreign languages e.g. See:
*क ख ग घ ઙ* - This group of five is called *kanthavya* because the sound comes out of the throat while pronouncing this. Try pronouncing.
*च छ ज ज ઞ* - These five are called *talavya/ palate* because the tongue will feel palate while pronouncing this. Try pronouncing.
*ट ठ ड ઢ ण* - These five are called *Murdhanya* because while pronouncing this the tongue will feel Murdhanya. Try pronouncing.
*त थ द ध न* - This group of five is called *Dantavya* because the tongue touches the teeth while pronouncing this. Give it a try
*प फ ब भ म* - This group of five is called *Aushthavya* because both the lips meet to pronounce this. Give it a try
Any other language in the world has such a scientific approach? We need pride for our Indian language but at the same time let us know why and let the world know.
Proud of our language.
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